August 22, 2023
Post-Doc opportunity at the University of Genoa (Italy)

The Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (DICCA) at the University of Genoa, Italy, is seeking a dynamic and motivated Post-Doctoral student to collaborate on a project to investigate the interaction between natural flows and submarine cables/pipelines using numerical modelling of fluid flow and sediment transport funded by the innovative start-up company Weather Water Sand
Title: CFD modelling of the interaction between natural flows and submarine cables/pipelines
Description: The aim of this Post-Doctoral fellowship is to investigate the interaction between natural flows (such as tidal currents, wave generated currents, turbidity currents) and submarine cables and/or pipelines. The researcher will employ a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach where the system geometry, including the pipeline/cable, will be bounded by a movable seabed and will be forced by steady or unsteady flows. The model will allow to evaluate the forces induced by the flow on the pipeline/cable taking into account both the vortex induced vibrations and the seabed deformations due to both bedform migration and local scouring around the pipeline/cable. The activities will be developed and implemented through close collaboration between DICCA (J. Pralits & M. Bolla Pittaluga), Wolf Dynamics (J. Guerrero) and Weather Water Sand (G. Porcile & C. Pirmez).
The conditions of the scholarship will match the University of Genoa Doctoral scholarship, which provides funding for 1 year, eventually renewable for another year depending on the scholar performances, with a net salary of 1450 €/month (social security included). Medical care is assured by the national health care system.
- Experience in computer programming (numerical modelling, Matlab, Python, Fortran, C/C++)
- Successful candidates will preferentially hold Master’s Degree in Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Power and Nuclear Engineering, Mathematical and Physical Modelling for Engineering, Civil Engineering, Marine Engineering, Environmental Engineering or a in closely related fields
- Strong mathematics and physics background
- Very good knowledge of spoken and written English
- Ability to be a team player
How To Apply
We look forward to receiving your online application at this link (program n.60)
(it is compulsory to apply through the internet site, no email application will be considered).
All the details for the application procedure can be found in the link.
The deadline for applications is the 7th of September 2023 at 12:00 Italian time.
Further information regarding the position should be directed to Prof M. Bolla Pittaluga by email at or to Prof. Jan Pralits by email at