Weather Water Sand team on a table

What we do

Our modelling solutions result from experience developed through research activities by the different partners during their academic and industrial careers.

Areas of expertise:

  • Detailed atmospheric forecasting for the planning, construction and maintenance of new industrial installations for the exploitation of renewable energies
  • The prediction of the erosional and depositional processes associated with the erodible character of the riverbed or seabed due to the action of flows
  • Assessment of the submarine geo-hazards associated with ocean currents for the design of deep-water engineering infrastructures, such as pipelines for the exploitation of oil and gas as well as electrical and telecommunication cable networks
  • Quantitative characterization of dispersion from sediment plumes associated with offshore operations such as dredging and dumping.
  • Quantitative modelling of sediment flows and associated deposits for the characterization of oil and gas reservoirs, the description of which is important both for the economic exploitation of hydrocarbons and for the storage and sequestration of CO2 in depleted reservoirs

Our team is ready to develop specific solutions tailored to address client needs using software developed in-house and in the open market.

Weather Forecasting

Despite significant progress in the last decades, global weather forecasts continue to be affected by systematic errors that require corrections. Improving atmospheric forecasting associated with renewable energy production is therefore crucial to integrate energy systems into the power grid to balance supply and demand.

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Submarine Geohazards

In recent years, the development of cutting-edge measurement techniques has led to a substantial improvement in our knowledge of deep ocean currents. Of these, turbidity currents are the most intense, potentially destructive and difficult to predict.

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Geological Modelling

Quantitative modelling of sediment gravity flows in the ocean can help geologists and engineers in the characterisation of the physical properties of the resulting deposits for the exploitation of reservoirs containing oil, gas or water resources.

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Who we are

We are a team of professional experts in numerical modelling of natural flows, weather forecasts, geologic hazards and sediment transport with many years of experience in both academia and industry.

Michele Bolla Pittaluga, PhD

President & Technical Director Geohazards

Degree in Civil Engineering (110/110 cum laude) at the Univ. of Genova (1999), PhD in Hydraulic Eng. at Univ. of Padova (2003), Associate Prof. (2019 – present) of Hydraulics at the Univ. of Genova. Research Scientist at Shell (The Netherlands) in 2014 – 2017. Co-founder of WWS. His main research interests are related to river and estuarine morphodynamics, turbidity currents, dynamics of fluvial networks, sediment transport, river engineering, physical hydraulic modelling. He employs both theoretical and experimental approaches in his research. He has authored several peer reviews publications, he is member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD program in “Fluid dynamics and Environmental Processes in Engineering” at Univ. of Genova and has been Associate Editor of the Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface (2017 – 2021).


Carlos Pirmez, PhD

CEO & Technical Director Geosciences

Carlos is the CEO and Technical Director of Geological Modelling at WWS. A marine geologist with over 35 years experience in academia and in industry, he spent most of his career investigating submarine fans and their deposits on modern and ancient continental margins, and through the synthetic deposits generated in flume tanks and numerical models, with applications to the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas and submarine geohazards.


Paolo Brotto, PhD

Board member & Technical Director Green Power

Paolo Brotto has a master degree in Physics and PhD in Materials Sciences. After some years experience as a post-doc at the Genoa University collaborating with the Environmental Physics Group he turns his career to other targets, being a founding member and managing director of the spin-off companies PM_TEN and WWS. He is the CEO and CTO at PM_TEN and leads the research and development sector in air quality modelling, environmental monitoring at PM_TEN and green energies at WWS. Member of the Order of Chemists and Physicists and of the Italian Aerosol Society (IAS) he is the author of several scientific publications and communications in national and international scientific and institutional conferences.


Andrea Mazzino, PhD

Technical Director Weather Modelling

Andrea Mazzino is full professor of Fluid Dynamics at the University of Genova with a PhD and Master degrees in Physics. After the post-docs at the Niels Bohr Institute of Copenhagen and at the Nice Observatory, France, he served as researcher at the ISAC Institute of the CNR until 2004 when he was appointed as researcher at the Genova University. He became associate professor in 2014 and full professor in 2020. He is a founding member of the spin-off company PM_TEN. His skills are on numerical weather prediction models and their calibration via statistical methods with applications to the fields of renewable energy market and environmental risks. He is author of 167 Scopus-indexed published papers with a h-index of 40 (Google Scholar). He is member of the Research Committee of the University of Genova and member of review panels of several foreign research agencies.


Gaetano Porcile, PhD

Technical Director Numerical Modelling

Gaetano holds a M.Sc. (Hons) in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a PhD in Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Processes from the University of Genoa. His research focuses on the study of environmental processes associated with the motion of water and sediment mixtures and their interactions with erodible granular surfaces. To this end, he has been using physical, theoretical and numerical modelling techniques, providing explanations for complex geomorphological phenomena and solutions for marine engineering problems. His long-standing interest in hydraulic engineering began during a M.Sc. internship at Deltares (The Netherlands) on the numerical modelling of sediment transport processes associated with tides. He is currently a Post-Doc Fellow at the University of Caen (France) working on the development of new numerical techniques for the study of wave-induced coastal processes.


Giampiero Nobile, PhD

Technical Director Hydraulics

Master Degree in Civil Engineering (110/110 cum laude) at the University of Genova (2003) and PhD in “Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences, Hydrodynamics and Environmental Modeling” at the University of Padova (2008), he focused his professional activities on the analysis of river morphodynamics and related hydraulic design and long-term evolution behavior. An engineer with 14 years experience in Academia and Industry, he’s a founding member of OAC Engineering and OAC Innovation Srl, both companies engaged in high-end multidisciplinary solutions for hydraulic, structural and geotechnical projects, design reviews and tender design. Member of the Order of Engineers, he is constantly engaged in collaboration, research and teaching in river hydraulic field at the University of Genoa. His major skills concern river morphodynamics, fluvial networks, sediment transport and numerical modeling.



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